Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December Turtle Trot - The Final One

I can't believe it's Decemeber already. Where did 2014 go? I have been participating in the Turtle Trot all year and managed to post almost every month. (Okay, I missed July and August, but other than that I did pretty good.)

So, let's recap. Below are the ten projects I wanted to make progress on this year. Some I touched, others I didn't, and one even got finished. :)

Turtle Trot 2014

1. Baked Alaska (Glendon Place) - didn't touch

2. Catch a Falling Star (HAED) - got another page done

3. Ciara Blue (Blackwork Journey) - major progress

4. Damask Square (Ink Circles) - a little progress

5. Drama Queen (custom chart by Skitzzzzz)  - didn't touch

6. Elizabeth (Mirabilia) - felt like lots of progress, but doesn't lool like much

7. Home Sweet Home (HAED) - didn't touch

8. Lickle Bit Shy (DMC) - didn't touch

9. Welcome (Kincavel Krosses) - some progress

10. Wise Wisdom (Stoney Creek) - FINISHED!!

Wow -- I didn't even touch four of them, and my progress on the other six wasn't massive. 2014 was definitely a very slow stitching year for me. Here's hoping 2015 sees more stitches!!


  1. Yes, life has a way to get in the way of stitching.

  2. They all look great Adrienne.


  3. Progress is progress. Love your designs. Great job!

  4. At least you got a finish in! Here is to next year:)

  5. I agree with Katie, progress is progress. And Ciara Blue looks like it's done or almost done. I love Elizabeth Almond's designs. Wonderful stitching!

  6. They are looking pretty! I could not work on my pieces as I was busy with another SAL

  7. But you did make progress which is the main point! They are all lovely projects. xx

  8. Nice works! Love the wise wisdom one!!! I will add your blog and follow you!
