As per usual, I'm a little late with a few of my updates. Better late than never though!!
First up, my orts for the TUSAL (Totaly Useless Stitch-a-long) hosted by Daffycat. Lots of greens with a few gray and black threads on top this time.
This past weekend was also IHSW (International Hermit and Stitch Weekend) hosted by Joysze over at Random Ramblings. I made some progress on a few pieces I haven't touched since I started them for UCJC in January. Mostly I worked on Stain Glass Pansy by Solaria Gallery.
I also pulled out Elizabeth by Mirabilia and put in a few stitches, but no photos to share at present. It just looks like a grey and black blob at the moment, so I'll wait to post pics until it is recognizable as something.
The pansy piece looks lovely. A successful IHSW!